
Your mission-driven organization has a sense of urgency about making things happen, but to be successful you need a clear vision, trusted leadership, and a positive team culture. Equally important is an operational infrastructure with the processes and systems that enable people to stay in sync, work smart, and respond quickly to change and innovation.

Here are some classic signs that your organizational structure may need an upgrade:

  • Things take longer, cost more, and seem harder than they should.
  • Leaders disagree on strategic priorities.
  • People seem constantly overwhelmed.
  • There are too many service mistakes and delays.
  • Rapid expansion has made it hard to stay connected and informed.

Structural problems don’t go away on their own. I can work with you and your team to identify root causes and develop forward-thinking solutions, to establish:

  • shared, prioritized goals that bring focus to decision-making.
  • a strategic roadmap with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, efficient business processes, and the tools and technologies appropriate to the task.
  • operational agreements that establish criteria for planning, innovation, and problem-solving so every decision doesn’t feel like reinventing the wheel.
  • a flexible, scalable approach that enables teams to easily form and re-form with changing demands.
  • systems to monitor and measure all aspects of operational performance and product/service delivery.

"I work for a mature, billion-dollar company. Carol was able to cut across all the political factors in our systems change process and was able to help us work to consensus and feel good about the process we were undertaking.  She can take a very complex project and distill it down to manageable pieces."

- VP of Marketing, Manufacturing Company

These practices of effective organizations yield truly actionable strategies—strategies that act as a plan for every day and put people in the habit of being strategic. Decisions are made within the context of your mission’s most important goals, and when something needs to change, people see the need and step up to change it.

My approach to this work is highly collaborative with broad-based employee participation, enabling your team to develop its own roadmap and solutions. The result is a plan that will be fully understood and embraced throughout your organization because it represents everyone’s best input. The pace of our work respects your daily demands while still maintaining momentum. Once expectations are set, you will want to stay the course, and I’ll be there to help you honor those commitments.  

You and your team will feel a true sense of accomplishment about the measurable and repeatable results you achieve. Not only will you further the mission, you will have new insights and abilities to carry into the future.

In any reform effort…our first instinct is to want to engineer change...but it is not enough. There is artwork to be done…internal seeing and reevaluation. If there is no transformation inside each of us, all the structural change in the world will have no impact on our institutions.
— Peter Block